Transition to web3: a guide for non-technical roles
Transition to web3: a guide for non-technical roles

Transition to web3: a guide for non-technical roles

by @ljin18

It can be daunting to make a career shift to web3, especially for those who don’t code. This guide aims to help make a career pivot into web3 less ominous. Let’s get started!

Step-by-step guide

👩‍🏫1. Start with basics (how & why)

Start here to learn the fundamentals of blockchain and crypto.

✍️2. Consume & create content

Curated information sources so you can stay up to date on web3.

🎓3. Learn by doing

Jump in and use decentralized applications to gain more familiarity with web3.

🔍4. Find your niche

Double down on sub-sectors within web3 that you’re passionate about.

🔨5. Start contributing

Join a DAO to build out your network and start contributing to various communities.

🤝6. Commit to your niche

Find a full-time role or part-time earnings opportunities in web3.

Non-technical skills that are in-demand in web3

What’s involved
Learn more
Community building
Engage and educate the community/audience through a variety of formats and channels.
Open roles for community builders
Write explainers, tutorials, documentation; refine narrative
Open roles for content creators
Create proposals, engage on governance forums
• What is a governance token? • Forms of governance input • Examples of governance on Ethereum Open roles for Governance
Data analysis
Create on-chain analytics dashboards
See Variant Fund Partner Spencer Noon’s crash course on on-chain analytics and entering the ecosystem here. Open roles in data analysis
Design tokenomics based on the specific nature of the project
Airtable on tokenomics resources (@packyM) Questions to think about highlighted here
Project management
Take notes, summarize community calls, be “a glue person”(h/t @0xJim) Similar to web2 project management: corralling groups within a DAO / company / protocol to ship projects or community efforts.
Open roles for project managers
Product management
“Web3 PM emphasizes building, marketing, and iterating rather than planning, managing, and measuring.” (h/t 0xShah)
Good design in web3 (_yangyou): 1) aggregates separate views in world of fragmentation 2) protects us against ourselves 3)teaches us about the existing world 4) turns complex concepts into magical ah-ha moments 5) meets sophisticated users where they are
web2: "acquiring users" web3: "recruiting members” (jarroddicker)
Open roles in marketing

Other helpful resources

© 2022 Guide to Web3. All rights reserved.

This guide is for information purposes only and is not investment advice. Please do your own research.